Thursday, September 21, 2017

A new team, a new adventure!

I know it has been a while since I have posted anything, in fact, the last time I did, I was on my way home from Nicaragua. I write this on the eve of another trip to my favorite place in Central America.

A new group and I are travelling tomorrow for a week in the tropics. We will be continuing work on the project we began last time, a third medical clinic for the folks in Nueva Vida, a resettlment camp on the outskirts of Managua. This being my fifth trip there, I love being able to share with others my love of this place, its peoples, and our shared responsibility to build God's kingdom together.

I am a firm believer that while our faith speaks to living so as to one day make it to heaven, the truth is that we are to make it here. Eternity doesn't begin at the moment of our earthly death, it begins in the moment of our earthly life. Answering the call to serve God, is answering a call to participate in the building now of what tomorrow will be. Being able to do that in a place as amazing as Nicaragua is a gift.

Matthew 7:21 reminds us that claiming the identity of Christ is not simply a matter of saying the word, nor is it only a matter of belief as a mental exercise. "Not everyone who calls me 'Lord' will enter the Kingdom of heaven, but only those who do the will of my Father." Faith is an action verb. For that, I am thankful. I am thrilled to lead this small group of seven great people! Follow along with us as I post something each day (provided the electricity works!). Pray for us and for the work we will do, the things we will learn, and the ways we will grow.

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